
Showing posts from July, 2014

This girl is awesome


Selfie Sunday


Lightroom practice

Image If you have a tumblr or a flickr go hit me up and give me a follow Yesterday I decided to take some pictures of my face, nothing new there. But something new I learned just yesterday is how to make my eyes stand out a ton! Now its no surprise that I edit my photos, I don't feel like I need to pretend that I don't. I love editing pictures, and I love discovering all the cool little tricks that make a photo pop even more. So here are the pictures I took. I'll show you some before and after pictures and tell you how I did it. Before After As you can see, I still look like the same person, unlike with some magazines that edit the models so much they don't even look the same. I really only do a few things to my photos. I do the basics - increase exposure, change the tone a little depending on if it needs more blue or less blue, and increase the contrast.  What I just l...

Find out For Yourself - The Book Of Mormon

Read this blog post from Greg Trimble, I loved what he had to say about the Book of Mormon. "SO YOU THINK THE BOOK OF MORMON IS A FRAUD?" by Greg Trimble here is the original blog post I can still remember the exact spot I was sitting when I knew the Book of Mormon was true. I was in a beach chair on my balcony in Corona Del Mar, California waiting to go surfing. I had just recently started a serious investigation of the Church when I first began reading the Book of Mormon. As I began my study…I realized that the most important thing I could do is find out whether or not the Book of Mormon was true. People that oppose the Church hate when someone says, “I know the Book of Mormon is true”…but I don’t know how else to say it. I  know the Book of Mormon is true.  (Begin jeering at the cliche’) I’m not going to leave it at that though…I’ll tell you how I know it’s true. This wasn’t something that I figured out over night. For me…I wanted some evidence and it wasn’t eno...

Clock analogy

I was sitting with my Grandfather Demetrios Kepas at the pharmacy as we waited a long while for their prescriptions to be filled which took about an hour. We sat there and watched as people came in and out of the store, at one point two young men came and sat near us and they started talking about the one guys broken arm. Eventually my Grandpa joined in on their conversation and started sharing his many years of knowledge with them. After finishing a couple different conversations he turns to me and the one guy who was left and said  If you took apart a clock, and set all of the pieces next to each other on the ground and waited, would they be able to put themselves back together without a master clock maker to put of all the pieces precisely where they needed to be in order to make the clock work. No, of course they wouldn't be able to put themselves back together, no even in a billion years. There had to be someone to put each part in its place in order for the clock to funct...

TransMormon Documentary  Okay guys, if you have read my other Transgender related post you know that I am completely supportive of these people making a transition in order to feel okay with themselves and in order to love themselves. Obviously there are a lot of people out there in the world who don't understand anything about Transgender people, and there are people who do not want to even try to understand-- they would rather keep on judging and hating rather then start loving and accepting because they are afraid for some reason or another. A lot of people use the card "God hates Gay/Transgender people" which is complete and total B.S. God doesn't hate anyone at all, and if you believe that in a God that hates any type of person then I feel sorry for you, because that means he would hate you too. See the thing is, no where in the bible does it say God hates gay people or transgender people. NO WHERE, yes it does say marriage should be between a man in a women ...

How to put on your face

warning: curse words, but nonetheless the message is great.