Clock analogy

I was sitting with my Grandfather Demetrios Kepas at the pharmacy as we waited a long while for their prescriptions to be filled which took about an hour. We sat there and watched as people came in and out of the store, at one point two young men came and sat near us and they started talking about the one guys broken arm. Eventually my Grandpa joined in on their conversation and started sharing his many years of knowledge with them. After finishing a couple different conversations he turns to me and the one guy who was left and said

 If you took apart a clock, and set all of the pieces next to each other on the ground and waited, would they be able to put themselves back together without a master clock maker to put of all the pieces precisely where they needed to be in order to make the clock work.

No, of course they wouldn't be able to put themselves back together, no even in a billion years. There had to be someone to put each part in its place in order for the clock to function.

He related this clock and the clocks smith to God, and the universe. Each animal has a very complex body, and just like a clock, if you were to take it apart, it would not be able to recreate itself. There had to be someone who put all the pieces together in the exact right way in order for every living thing on earth to function. The earth itself is like a living organism, it is so complex and needed to right amount of oxygen, water, CO2, nitrogen, and whatever other elements are on the periodic table, to make this Earth inhabitable to other species.

Now it may still be possible that there was a "Big Bang" or something similar, but ask yourself, where did the matter that exploded in earth come from? How was it already full of all of these elements? My answer was that they were created by God, All of the matter around us is full of DNA and different sorts of elements that have existed for trillions of years, in some way we are all made out of star dust, and that star dust was created by an almighty force/being.

The clock analogy was familiar to me already, but I just loved how simply he explained it and how firm he was in his belief in God. My Grandpas faith helps me to have more faith, because I know that he has seen the world for many more years then I have, he has gone through the same doubts and questions that I have, and yet after 85 years he still believes in God, and he believes in God more and more as the years go by.
I hope to someday have the same strong faith in God that he has. I hope this message makes you think and ponder the universe and God a little today.
I love just sitting outside at night and looking up at the stars, and thinking about God, and the vastness of space, and how insignificant we all are compared to the great glory of the world(s) around us, but yet at the same time the God who created everything we know around us, still knows us by name, and he loves us with a love that we can never explain. There is always so much to think about and ponder, even though sometimes deep thinking can hurt your head after a little bit because you're mind is blown by all of the majesty and mystery of the world around us. We know so little, but yet one day we will know so much.

With love,



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