TransMormon Documentary 

Okay guys, if you have read my other Transgender related post you know that I am completely supportive of these people making a transition in order to feel okay with themselves and in order to love themselves. Obviously there are a lot of people out there in the world who don't understand anything about Transgender people, and there are people who do not want to even try to understand-- they would rather keep on judging and hating rather then start loving and accepting because they are afraid for some reason or another. A lot of people use the card "God hates Gay/Transgender people" which is complete and total B.S. God doesn't hate anyone at all, and if you believe that in a God that hates any type of person then I feel sorry for you, because that means he would hate you too. See the thing is, no where in the bible does it say God hates gay people or transgender people. NO WHERE, yes it does say marriage should be between a man in a women in order to raise children, but at the same time, it doesn't say that gay people cannot get married and cannot raise children. All it says is that the best way is between a loving father and mother who raise their children with love and respect.

As for this girl in this video who is raised LDS, I commend her for her bravery to make this short documentary, because it is a risk to be so vulnerable and to put yourself out there like that especially in a community that is very religious and very conservative. There will always be people who are gay, there will always be people who are transgender. We cannot change this about the world, or about the individual people. You can make all sorts of justifications to why you don't like gay people or transgender people, you can keep justifying your hate for them, but what good will that do in the end? Nothing! All anyone in the world needs to love and acceptance. Everyone has their own issues, their own trials and everyone makes their own choices and their own mistakes. No one is perfect, we are all imperfect people and we all need a Savior. In the end, all of us will be made whole through Christ, we will all be resurrected no matter what choices we have made while on this Earth. Being gay is like having any sort of mental issue that you are born with - like depression, or bipolar disorder or severe anxiety. It is something that, that individual person has to deal with their entire life, it never goes away, but there are ways to help yourself and to begin healing- for transgender people it is the same sort of thing, first to realize that they have gender dysphoria, and begin taken steps to become more comfortable and happy with themselves - like hormones or surgery.

Who knows whether or not these people will be resurrected to their original gender in the after life or if they truly are supposed to be the other sex but for some reason they had to undergo the trial of being in the other genders body. We will never know until we are all dead, and so in the life we still have we shouldn't worry about what will happen between that person and with God because it is none of our business in the first place. We are commanded to mourn with those who mourn, comfort those who stand in need of comfort and to love one another as Jesus loves you.

Love always,



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