
Showing posts from January, 2014
Guess what? I take a lot of selfies! Well I guess that is pretty obvious. I've been taking selfies for years, many many years. And I came up with this idea. I am going to make a video of every single selfie I have ever taken! Starting from the beginning, not exactly in order just because I can't remember the dates, but by year. I will talk about my life and how I've changed over the years with a focus of self love and having a postive self image. I recently saw a video of a photographer teaching middle school girls that they are beautiful by having them take selfies. I honestly believe that through taking selfies and doing crazy faces, sexy faces, ugly faces and on and on you begin to love yourself more. At least it is true in my life. I feel happier taking selfies, I like laughing at myself, and I like seeing the beauty I have. I'm excited about this project, and I know it will turn out great! 

Depression Lesson

In Church yesterday during the third hour a speaker who is a psychiatrist spoke to us about Depression, not just Depression but the different types of depression, their cause, their duration and ways to solve them. I think this lesson is helpful for everyone, because there are millions who are affected by depression, and it is helpful to understand depression more, for those affected with it and those who know people affected by it. The 10 types of Depression 1) Being bummed 2) Mood Swings 3) Situational Depression 4) Combo Depression 5) Dysthymia 6) Cyclothymia 7) Clinical Depression 8) Minor depressive disorder 9) Major depressive disorder 10) Bipolar Depressive Disorder Cause(s) 1) not meeting expectations, someone said something rude, getting hurt. 2) Bad day, stressed, small fight with a friend or family member. 3) Big fight with someone, a breakup, death. 4) When situational depression starts to changes your brain chemicals into clinical depression. 5) Mild ch...

Wish You Were Here

For an art class project we created 10 postcards with the theme "Wish You Were Here". I love photography, and although I am not very good and at a very amateur level I was really please with the work I made! And hopefully I'll get better at photography and learn new tricks! If you would want me to send you some of my prints let me know!  Or if you think I could sell some of them/if you would buy a couple for like a dollar each. That'd be awesome if anyone would want some!  But if not, no big deal, I just like looking at the images, with and without the text.  Gotta love art school! 

I had a black dog, his name was depression

This is a great video about depression and what people suffering from depression are going through. Some people don't suffer from depression, and they are the lucky ones. Because depression really does consume your thoughts, and interests. I've suffered from depression, it was an awful time full of doubt, hopelessness and self-hate. Luckily I got help, and was able to conquer it and get it out of my life all together since my depression had a root cause, I had to solve my problem at the roots. Some people however have clinical depression, which is not necessarily caused by anything other than a chemical in-balance inside of their brain. Sadly clinical depression affects about 7% of the US population. ( )  Its good for those who don't know what it is like to understand, because its more than likely they know someone who is currently suffering from these kind of thoughts. 

Marriage is important


A Great Slam Poem about Body image

I love this video! Tell me what you think down below! So many girls struggle with body image, the media is always about the next big diet, being skinny and whats hot or not. But really none of that matters, all that matters is within, everything else fades away, even beauty because our bodies decay. If you want to be beautiful it comes from within.

"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes"

"Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something. So that's my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever.”  ―  Neil Gaiman It is the second day of 2014! Holy smokes 2013 went by so quickly!! But 2013 was AMAZING! So amazing, and I am looking forward to 2014, although last year might be hard to beat! Neil Gaiman has an amazing quote on how I feel about the new year, about making changes and about...