Guess what?
I take a lot of selfies! Well I guess that is pretty obvious. I've been taking selfies for years, many many years. And I came up with this idea. I am going to make a video of every single selfie I have ever taken! Starting from the beginning, not exactly in order just because I can't remember the dates, but by year. I will talk about my life and how I've changed over the years with a focus of self love and having a postive self image.
I recently saw a video of a photographer teaching middle school girls that they are beautiful by having them take selfies. I honestly believe that through taking selfies and doing crazy faces, sexy faces, ugly faces and on and on you begin to love yourself more. At least it is true in my life. I feel happier taking selfies, I like laughing at myself, and I like seeing the beauty I have. I'm excited about this project, and I know it will turn out great! 


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