I had a black dog, his name was depression

This is a great video about depression and what people suffering from depression are going through.
Some people don't suffer from depression, and they are the lucky ones. Because depression really does consume your thoughts, and interests. I've suffered from depression, it was an awful time full of doubt, hopelessness and self-hate. Luckily I got help, and was able to conquer it and get it out of my life all together since my depression had a root cause, I had to solve my problem at the roots. Some people however have clinical depression, which is not necessarily caused by anything other than a chemical in-balance inside of their brain. Sadly clinical depression affects about 7% of the US population. (http://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/major-depression
Its good for those who don't know what it is like to understand, because its more than likely they know someone who is currently suffering from these kind of thoughts. 


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