My hardest Experience Project

Check out my website for the full description of this project!

Hey everyone! So after this week of work I decided I wanted to create a project in which people share the story of the hardest experience of their lives. My inspiration for this project was that this past week at work in Wilderness, we had a group of 9 girls, and we decided to run a group so the girls could get to know each other and relate to each other in a new way by sharing the hardest moment of their lives. The outcome was beautiful. As soon as the first story had been shared, they were all quiet, they were all engaged 100 percent in listening to each other, they cried with each other, they comforted each other. They got real, and they got vulnerable. And It made them all see that they aren't alone. It made me feel like I wasn't alone.

Share you own story with the hashtag #myhardestexperience 

You can record(film) your story or you can write it down! I want this project to reach people from all across the world. Because everyone has a story, and everyone has had a hardest moment of their lives. Together we can share our stories and hopefully make a difference in someone else s life. 

With love,


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