Into the Wilderness

Photos from the Trail
Trail meaning from work

I am so blessed to have this amazing job where I can be one with nature and see these amazing views and where I can also be an influence for good in the lives of these kids who are struggling with many different kinds of problems, most of which I can relate to through my experiences in life--both from my own mistakes, my own journey through wilderness and through Boarding school where I got to know all sorts of kids who struggled with problems that ranged from Drug addiction, Clinical Depression, to Family Problems to abusive relationships, to anything else that makes life hard. 
I know that Wilderness works, It worked for me, and It worked for tons of kids that I know, and I can see it working in the lives of the kids that I am helping right now. 

Here is a photo of me in 2011 and in 2014 both in October and in wilderness.
I may not be smiling as much on the right but I am for sure a happier person! 
Life is awesome! 
Wilderness is Awesome!
I wish everyone went to wilderness, the world would be such a better place!

with love,



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