
Even though you won't see this, or maybe you will if you creep on my blog which I am pretty sure you have never done before in your life. I just want you to know that you mean alot ot me and I am really going to miss you for the 6 months that I am going to be away in Utah.

So I went to Duck beach the last 8 days of May, and I had my 19th birthday there. I left for the beach on Saturday the 24th of May, The Friday before was the last day that I thought I would see him again for quite along time. We technically broke up that night because we both agreed that long distance wouldn't work, and if we were meant to get back together when I moved back then things would work out.

But even though we were both "single" after I went to the beach we texted and called eachother everyday. And one day he asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and my only answer was "I want you to be here with me". Its not like I actually thought that he would show up at the beach for my birthday, it was just a dream gift for him to show up. But to my great surprise he came to the beach on my birthday and got me exactly what I wanted, which was just more time with him before I moved away. 

I've never had someone who dropped everything they were doing, to make a spontaneous trip to North Carolina to visit me. And thats the second time he's randomly took a trip to come see me. The first time was over spring break back in March when we first started seeing eachother. I had my wisdom teeth taken out and he decided to come visit me at 2 in the morning with a couple of our mutual friends. 
Saying goodbye to someone you really love and care about is really hard to do, especially when the future is all still a mystery and you have no idea what will happen.

But letting go of someone you love is a good learning lesson, and I think good things will come from our time apart. And no matter what happens with us, I will always be so greatful to have you in my life as one of my best friends. You've shown me love, kindness, respect and you taught me how to open myself up and trust again and for that I am thankful.

I love you, be good, have fun, and follow the Lord in all that you do.


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