Oh The Places We'll Go: My Bodies Journey

Oh The Places We'll Go: My Bodies Journey: So, I've been home for winter break a few days now, and I was looking through old photos of me from around freshman and sophomore yea...

So this is a post that I put on my other blog which less people ever see because I didn't want people to see it. But I recently looked over the post again, and It still gives me chills. I have struggled with loving my body for so long. In the first pictures where I am tiny, I thought I was fat, and then you can see that I gained a lot of weight after being sent to wilderness and boarding school.

Its still hard to love my body, when I know I used to be so much smaller. I always find myself comparing my body to other girls my age. I find that I am really negative inside my head about my body. For example someone who I deem pretty walks by, and the immediate thought in my head is "I wish I was that skinny, I wish I was that pretty..." But I realize that I am having those automatic negative thoughts and I try to combat them with saying that I am healthier now, I now longer force myself to throw up everything I eat, I no longer eat hardly anything, I am stronger than I was back then, both emotionally, mentally and physically.

We live in a society where thin is what everyone wants to be, it is what seen as the perfect body. But I have curves, I have love handles, I have a little belly pouch, but I am still beautiful. But sometimes that is hard to remember. Its easy to compare, its easy to be negative, its easy to hate your body. But its hard to love it, Its hard to say, "Damn I look hot today". I know I am not the only one that struggles with body image issues out there. And for girls who are currently struggling with an eating disorder, there is help out there and you can stop.

What are y'alls thoughts on Body Image?

I'd love to hear what you have to say on this subject.

with love,



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