Oh The Places We'll Go: My Bodies Journey : So, I've been home for winter break a few days now, and I was looking through old photos of me from around freshman and sophomore yea... So this is a post that I put on my other blog which less people ever see because I didn't want people to see it. But I recently looked over the post again, and It still gives me chills. I have struggled with loving my body for so long. In the first pictures where I am tiny, I thought I was fat, and then you can see that I gained a lot of weight after being sent to wilderness and boarding school. Its still hard to love my body, when I know I used to be so much smaller. I always find myself comparing my body to other girls my age. I find that I am really negative inside my head about my body. For example someone who I deem pretty walks by, and the immediate thought in my head is "I wish I was that skinny, I wish I was that pretty..." But I realize that I am having those automatic nega...