This is sick

Oh my Gosh....

Oh my Gosh

Oh my Gosh

Oh my Gosh

Oh my Gosh

Need I go on?

Holy crap! This happens, every single day. The life growing inside of you is a person, it is living, it is alive. I can't believe women do this? Wouldn't it haunt you for the rest of your life? How can these women even work there? How can they say these things without wanting to vomit, this is sick, this is sad. So Sad!

I understand that women should have the choice to choose or whatever the heck you want to say for the pro-choice movement. But honestly.... what can you say to this. What would you feel when you see a BABY cut into pieces still moving on the metal table... it is murder plain and simple. But just because that thing you say is a thing, doesn't have a name and can't talk doesn't mean that its worthless. Lucky for the baby people kill, they go straight back to heaven and the murderers probably won't end up where that precious child went. UGH this makes me so angry and upset!!


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