So many thoughts

Okay, so we all use social media, its just part of our lives no a days. In some way the screens are mirrors that reflect ourselves, and what is your screen and internet use saying about you? What you see on a daily basis really impacts the way you feel, and what you listen to affects your thoughts. The internet is full of beautiful lovely amazing things, but there is also the side of negativity, hate, and destruction. Recently (past several months) I've been trying to clean up the sites that I use on a day to day basis, blocking friends that post cuss words without a care, friends that post soft porn, and friends that are overall negative about life. I haven't blocked them from being my friend, I just blocked seeing their careless updates and posts. I've also unliked the stupid facebook pages I liked way back in the day that turned into soft porn machines, stupid videos of fights and hate, and all that dumb nonsense that makes it seem like life isn't worth living for.

To replace all of this I have instead liked uplifting and wholesome sites, like  and Upworthy . both of these sites post to Facebook everyday, and my newsfeed is full of awesome, inspiring videos on a day to day basis. When on the internet is your mood being uplifted or torn down? If it is being negatively affected and you feel worse after surfing the internet then maybe it is time for you to make some changes about the things you view online, and what you allow to enter into your daily life. Because screens really are like mirrors, if you are watching porn, or violent, objectifying movies you will probably see the humans around you as less significant. If you are watching videos or seeing things with a bunch of foul language everyday your vocabulary is likely to include most of those same words, and  you're intelligence when speaking to others is likely to decrease a little. 

We spend so much time online, and in some ways we should stop going online altogether and take the hands free approach to life and get back to the basics. But at least for me thats not going to happen any time soon, because I live alone, and for me the internet is a way for me to feel less alone when I am home by myself. I think the internet acts as a companion for many people, myself included. The thing is that the internet is not actually real, it isn't human and will never be human, and it can become an alternate reality and a way to escape from real life and real human to human contact. If all computers were destroyed - including small computers like phones and ipads would you be able to talk to people and do everything that you need to do and be happy? Or would you have a difficult time doing the things that you are used to doing. Do you rely too much on the companionship of social media instead of the companionship of someone with a pulse and soul? The internet is a gift, with a good and bad side. We need to use it wisely. I'm sure I have more to say about this subject, but as for now this is all.

with love, 


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