Life update

I haven't really blogged in a while, and I mostly mean writing my own words, because I share videos and articles and stuff but I haven't written for myself for a few weeks. And blogging is a lot like having a journal, its a place for me to write freely and honestly, of course I still have my own personal journal for more personal matters but blogging is still just as therapeutic in a way as journaling is.

So for this blog post today, its just going to be an update of my life pretty much and the happenings which I haven't shared in a while, and maybe some other random thoughts as they come.

Well it is now February 2014! Wow, January went so fast... I'm in my second semester at college, and its been pretty tough to be honest. But I also like my classes a lot this semester, minus the sculpture class which I just have to power through since it ends on the 13th of this month and hopefully my sculpture comes together and is finished by then. Being in art school is a lot harder than you might imagine, see in high-school you take art as an elective and for fun, but in college when your major is art its your core class, you spend hours upon hours doing art projects, you have to make the creative juices in your brain spin all the time, and at least for me it can be a real challenge since my brained wasn't wired to be thinking about art non stop all day every day.
But I am really glad I am in art school, some days I feel like I am just going to be a huge failer and that their was no point for me to even go to art school, and other days I feel really confident in my abilities and dream of the day when I become a famous designer. But I do have to say that the negative thoughts are more common than the happy ones recently. I don't know why, but I've just been so negative on myself lately, I just don't think any thing I do is good enough. And not that I don't think its good enough once its done, its that I don't think its good enough while I'm making it so I start getting mad at myself and I don't want to even make the art anymore. But every time that I finish something I am normally pretty happy with it and the way it turns out. I guess I am just my own worst critic, but I need to find a happy balance of criticizing my own work and enjoying my own work. I heard someone say the other day that we compare our worst flaws to other peoples best qualities. I think that is definitely true in my case and with my art, I see all these great works of art being done, and I compare mine to theirs when they are in complete different categories and their work is something I haven't learned how to do yet. Being an artist is hard, but I'm not going to give up on it, its what I love doing, its what I want to do, and I am going to do it. And if all fails, I know I can do other things with my life as well. Because being an artist isn't everything about who I am, its just part of it, an ever changing part of my life.

Well aside from art school struggles, life has been pretty good. I haven't exactly kept to my goals of the new year... >.< I've been pretty lazy and I am a very good procrastinator. I did go to the gym finally though last month! I was proud of myself and I'm still a bit sore. :) I have been working on my book, and I'm on chapter 6 of 12 which is the halfway point! Woo! I've been working on my mission papers for the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints and I'm about ready to send them! Which is super exciting!!

So just to share my recent art work, here are some things I've been working on lately.
here is my surface research class blog of my artwork which pretty much has all my recent art works up there.

sculpture class

this is what it will look like all stacked up, but standing.

Well I don't know what else to talk about right now.

with love,


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