My Last Days: Meet Zach Sobiech

This is the most beautiful story I have ever seen. Please watch this, let it change you're heart, let yourself cry, feel all the emotions and do some deep thinking about yourself and you're own life.

Honestly, what would you do if you were given the same condition, the same amount of time to live, would you try to be like Zach?
All that matters is to be kind to other people, to try and make them smile, live not for yourself and your own happiness but for the happiness and joy of others. Zach embodies everything that I strive to be, he is so humble, and kind and loving. He is not gone, he is in heaven with Christ and Heavenly Father, waiting for the rest of his family to join him on the otherside. Death is just a part of like, or like Zach said another check off the list. Death is not the end, just a part of our journey.
"Its really simple actually, its just try and make other people happy... and as long as you learn it, you'll make the world a better place."
His memory will live on forever.

with love, Arie


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