It has been quite a long time since I have actually written a blog post, not that very many people really check up on my blog, but anyways, it's time to get writing again.
I've been posting a lot of videos lately, and I wish I had written my thoughts about each one along with the video, but I think its also nice to just post them and let people watch them for themselves.

     I can't believe its almost the end of 2013! I remember telling myself last year or at the beginning of this year that 2013 would be the best year of my life so far. And well, I would have to agree with that. 2013 really has been the best year of my life so far, and there are so many reasons that it is. Back in January to February of this year I was still at Summit Preparatory school in Kalispell, Montana! It seems like so long ago now. At the end of my journey at Summit, life was awesome, my relationship with my family was so much better then it was before summit and better than it had ever been in my life, I had a great boyfriend at Summit who always made me laugh, and we got to graduate together. I also made a lot of life long friends at Summit who I will always love and care for. My stay at Summit taught me the life lessons that needed to be learned, and helped me to rebuild and to be happy again, and most importantly to forgive.
After I graduated My mom and I took a 21 day trip to London, France, and Italy. It was amazing! And the bond between my mother and I just grew stronger and stronger. We also decided to write a book together about our experience through wilderness and boarding school, and well of course everything that happened before I was sent away. After we returned home to NC I got a car and a job at Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robins, it was an amazing job! I sometimes wish I could still be working there. My life long friend Madeleine came to visit me in the Spring, and I went to visit her about 2 weeks later! In the summer I went to Chicago to visit my Best friend that I met at Summit Kelsey, it was awesome! I also got to spend time with my mom's parents in Utah which was great, and to take a backpacking trip in Wyoming over the summer. In August I moved up 2 hours to attend college at VCU! I am so thankful for everything that has happened to me this year! I know its still 2 months away from the new year, but I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Its just so amazing to see how far my family and I have come since even just  year and a half ago, not to mention 2 years ago. I am so proud of myself and of my family.

with love, Arianna


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