Beyond the Clouds: Wounds and Healing: My son had a pilonidal cyst on his gluteal cleft. In plain English, that means he had an abscess on his butt crack. The abscess wasn’t h...
A lot has been racing through my mind, my thoughts are invading my world. I've lost control of what is happening, I'm trapped in this house, stuck.. I'm becoming my own person, yet I'm being beat down, I'm not yet allowed to become a whole person because i'm too young. But what is age? Yeah my brain hasn't reached its full capacity of knowledge or intelligence, but neither has anyones And yeah, I'm less then 21 which means i'm still "stupid" but never doubt the youth of the world because if we really wanted we could probably take over everything. Were just as smart, if not smarter but a lot of young people are stupid, so stupid. But never judge a human being because of the actions of another, another that isn't even friends with them but happens to be the same age, Dont judge age. Once we reach the age of 12 we begin to create ourselves, and past that we become our own people dont hold me back from becoming myself If you dont like wh...
So as you can guess life has been pretty crazy... Not exactly what i thought my life would be like right now, i never imagined that i would be living in Montana for a whole year of my life going to a Boarding school where i do therapy all the time. But I've learned so much and even though not having a real life sucks i still appreciate all that i have been given. I've learned alot about therapy and stuff, and i definently know how to deal with a ton of really hard things, like being taken out of my home and sent into the woods. But its more then just that, i know how to deal with people, and my family and most importantly my self. I never knew how to check in with myself before or make sure that i was okay in the inside but now i have the skills to make sure that i am doing good on in the inside not the outside. I've been doing so well though, and being able to be on the computer right now is so amazing! I havent been on my blog since October... and its July, which is ...