True Beauty

Guys. I have a bone to pick with us. No, I am not blaming the media. We should know better. Why does it take living out of the country to realize how ridiculous what we do to ourselves is?? Why do we honestly believe that we have to squeeze through a mold that only fits probably 1% of the population naturally (who will consequently be judged for the rest of their lives based on this fact alone) to be happy? Where did this all or nothing mentality come from--that if one thing is less than perfect that we're worthless? That if it's not good all the time, it's bad? That if it's good some of the time, we should be doing it nonstop? What happened to balance? What happened to health? When did we get so disconnected with ourselves that we honestly believed that the person who was obviously just trying to sell us something knew more about what was good for us (but not even our names) than our own bodies? Diets have a 95% fail rate. Ninety-five. Freaking. Percent. Would you trust your health to a doctor with a record like that??? He'd go to jail! People make themselves ill over ten pounds. People die for this. Because they honestly think that if they didn't fit the mold no one would see them as worth anything. Heck, we're making ourselves fat over it because our bodies know what's up more than we do and try to save us from ourselves! We don't have to fight our bodies--they don't want to be unhealthy either. Why don't we look at people and see people instead of reflections of ourselves? When was the last time the number stamped on the back of your jeans made someone else's day? Made them happy? Why do we seriously think ANYone else cares what size we wear? Since when have all your clothes been the same size anyway? Doesn't that prove how subjective and unstable the system is? When was the last time a guy asked for the number on your scale before asking for the number to your phone? I can't think of a time I looked at the scale and felt happier because of it, whether it was a "good" or a "bad" number. And why would you ascribe your worth to a number that goes up when you go to the gym or drink a glass of water (both of which I highly recommend, by the way), but goes down when you cut off your arm? (Hey guys--I just discovered a fail proof weight loss method, 100% guaranteed, immediate results! You should try mine.) Why do we honestly believe that if we're happy with ourselves we aren't trying hard enough? The best gift you can give ANYONE is you. You, as happy and healthy as you can be. Emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Our bodies are one of the greatest gifts God has given us. If He thinks it is worthy of His Spirit, are we so ungrateful as to tell Him it's not good enough for us? That the one creation He called 'very good' is worthless? No. It's priceless. I don't know how much I weigh anymore and I plan on keeping it that way. I'm throwing the system in the garbage where it belongs. I never thought I'd say this, but when I get home I'm throwing my scale in there too! (And no, you can't have it. I got a tool set for Christmas last year and I haven't found an excuse to use the hammer yet!) - Laura Molnar

This was one of my facebook friends statues recently, I liked it so much that I decided to put it on my blog. 
I think almost all the girls I know have dealt with self image issues, its just something that happens in todays world, we are constantly seeing images and "role-models" that are size 00 and are obviously starving themselves or binge and purging. I was bulimic for 2 years, I used to weigh 115 pounds at the same height that I am now, which is 5'4". I was tiny, I now weigh 130 pounds, 15 pounds more then my tiniest. Sometimes I feel like I'm fat, but I realize i'm just being ridiculous, yes I could be healthier and work out more and build stamina and muscle mass, but I am not fat. So many girls have body image problems because the world around us makes being unattainable skinny the standard of beauty. But no girl is beautiful just because of how much they weigh or don't weigh. Beauty comes from within, always has and always will. 


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