My response to a negative post about Mormons on Tumblr
Mormon leader: Women at home is ‘essential part of society’A Mormon leader says having women at home remains an essential part of society and cautioned against blurring feminine and masculine differences.D. Todd Christofferson, a member of the church’s Quorum of the Twelve, made the comments at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints two-day conference in Salt Lake City.Read more from AP.Photo: Members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir perform during the opening session of the two-day Mormon church conference in Salt Lake City. (AP / Rick Bowmer)
Well did you watch the General Conference? Cause If you didn’t, and your just saying things about the Mormon church that you don’t know about, you should do some real research and visit I am a women, and I am a Mormon. People have so many misconceptions about what we believe, and I hear things all the time that blow my mind at how wrong people are.
The other day in my art class, a group of people were talking about church and the different churches they go to. One boy said he accidentally went to a Mormon church once and a girl asked if it was Scary, and he nodded and they laughed. He hadn’t actually sat in the church, he only wandered inside. If he had stayed and listened to the service I’m sure he wouldn’t ever be scared of Mormons again.
The LDS church is one of the fastest growing churches in the whole world, not just in the U.S. but across the entire Globe. If our church was all the bad things people say it is, then this fact wouldn’t be true. Many religions across the world are diminishing in numbers. Alot of people I know that say they belong to a christian church only attend church on holidays, while in my church we are encouraged to attend every Sunday for a 3 hour meeting, which fills my life with much happiness and joy, and I know that with out this 3 hours a week set aside for worship I wouldn’t have the faith and hope and love of my faith that I do, I would be one of those people that only goes to church on Holidays.
Did you know, the birthrate in our country is the lowest its been in a very long time(since before the 1900s or the beginning of the 1900s) and in some European countries their birthrate has become so low that their populations will begin decreasing. I Believe women have a special gift to be mothers, this doesn’t mean you have to be mothers, because being a mother is a choice.
I have dreams of being an interior designer, I also have dreams of being a loving mother and starting a family of my own with my future husband. And I can do both at the same time! Motherhood is being attacked in our society, and so is Marriage. One is every four children is born out of wedlock in this country, and more and more woman are saying that having children is too hard, and that they just don’t want to do it. It is a choice to have children, but motherhood is a divine gift from God, and only women can have children. Men and women are created different for a reason. First of all I don’t think men are tough enough like us to have babies, and women are more gentle and loving in general, but the world around us is telling us to toss that all out the window, and forget about gender and mesh the two together. But gender identity is important, men and women are fundamentally different. But men and women are and should be equal.
To learn more about what Mormons truly believe visit or You don’t have to be interested in learning about the church, but when having discussions about religion its best to be educated from the facts.
Have a Beautiful Day :)