My view on Abortion

I agree with everything this women said in this article. I think when women abort their child they never forget, and I think it haunts them for the rest of their lives. If a girl is sleeping around and quite frankly just being a "slut" and doesn't care about herself enough to be careful, then getting pregnant is the natural consequence of her actions and she should have to deal with it, not hide from it.  Abortion is just a way out from maturing, its a way to try and hide your past mistakes and a disillusioned chance to have a clean slate and get your life together. Chances are if your having an abortion then your life isn't where you want it to be and you don't feel happy and secure enough to have that child. But killing that child isn't going to make your life any better, its not going to get you the job you want or stop you from making the same mistakes, but keeping that child forces you to change, and if you still aren't ready to be a mother, there are plenty of women who can't have children and would happily raise yours are their own.

I read an article about a doctor who was talking to a Mother of a two year old boy, and she was pregnant with her second child, she came into the office and wanted to get an abortion because she felt she had too much going on in her life to raise two children and keep her life the way it was, the doctor was appalled as I would be and he responded saying something like this "How about we just kill the two year old, so then you can have enough time to raise the new born and you won't feel the stress of having two children, I mean whats the difference? Their both your children." I bet the mother left in tears, and was probably shocked and maybe a little angry at what the doctor had just said, but sometimes the truth is hardest to hear, and we don't want to listen and we just want an easy way out and for people to stand by us and tell us that its okay to take the easy way out. But its not.

I am so proud of all my friends that have kept their pregnancy going and took on the responsibility to become a mother, I know they made the right choice, and I know they would never think about killing their child, holding that baby in your arms for the first time is a feeling you'll never forget, and although I haven't experienced that yet, I can only imagine that seeing your baby for the first time makes it all worth it, no matter if your 15, or 26, your baby is alive and it needs you.

with love, Arianna


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