My Dog Kiara

     It's pretty much my dogs birthday this month, so I thought I would write a little something about her.

    Dogs aren't called mans best friend for no reason, dogs are one of the only species including humans to use eye contact to communicate and react to "emotions" for example if I am crying or have a sad look in my eyes my dog will seem to copy the look but then kiss me and smile with her eyes. I promise I'm not crazy, but that is what it is like. If I smile then her eyes get bigger and look happier, If I am upset she tries not to make eye contact with me.
     I never thought I would love a chihuahua, and although she does have a feisty personality with strangers, she is loving and comforting to me, and to the people she befriends(after a couple of days and lots of treats) She is there for me whenever I need her, and makes me laugh when I'm having a bad day. Dogs are my second favorite animal to the wolf, I mean they are kind of the same thing, but not. And once I have a secure job and a fenced yard I am going to bring a wolf-dog into my family. 
     Something about Kiara that makes me laugh is that she doesn't eat her food unless I am in the room or unless I am also eating dinner. Tonight I ate dinner away from home and when i got home I put the food in her dish and went to work on my homework upstairs, of course she followed me because she didn't want to be left behind, but when she got hungry, she let me know but barking softly at the foot of my chair and when I would look at her she would jump back and bark and move towards the door, until I got up and went down stairs. I knew she didn't have to go to the bathroom so I sat by the table and told her to eat her food, but she just looked at me like "where is your food?" so then I sat down next to her food bowl and pretended to take a bite. After i did that she started eating her food. She may be selfish sometimes, but she just wants to be included and be part of a pack. Even though chihuahuas are so far descended from a wolf, their pack instincts are still the same. 
     When she wants to go on a walk she'll do a similar thing. She'll bark softly at me, wag her tail and jump all around until I get up and get her leash, then she starts spinning and wagging her tail extra fast in anticipation of the walk. Plus Kiara snuggles are the best thing ever, her tiny little body fits in almost any nook and cranny on my body and she'll make herself comfortable and make sure she isn't in your way, which is why little dogs are better in some ways. Although all dogs are awesome, and big dogs aren't as persnickety like small dogs are. 
    Even with her fear of bugs, and crave for food she finds on the street and her hate of strangers she is a beloved puppy, who will never stop being a puppy due to her size. She is always there to go on an adventure, lick my face unceasingly, bark at the sounds from outside, spin in circles, and play chase. 
   Dogs aren't for everyone, but I know that dogs will be part of my life forever, and hopefully Kiki will be along for awhile to grow up with me through college and beyond. 

The past two years have been great so far. 
there will be more adventures to come little padawan

from day one

You can never take too many pictures :P

with love, 



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