Hungry For Change

     Today I watched a documentary on Netflix called Hungry For Change which I found very powerful and it sparked a desire for real, true change. Over the last year or so I have been diagnosed with an auto immune disease, which runs in my family, such as Arthritis which my mother has. For me instead of joint pain I have Irritable bowel disease which comes in two forms, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. But for me, we haven't been able to differentiate between the two, so I have undifferentiated IBD. This disease, isn't a very fun disease to have, not that any auto immune diseases are any fun, but to save you from loosing your appetite I will just leave it up for you to imagine. But what causes my symptoms that cause me to have to run to the bathroom, is food. FOOD.
     What we put in to our body is very important, and for me, processed sugar, wheat, fat, and salt and obviously fast food, instantly hurts my stomach, and causes pain. But why does food that is in almost everything we eat cause my body pain? And cause so many people to become obese? The reason is because of all the chemicals and unnatural things that we are putting inside of our bodies. We haven't evolved to handle all the manmade fake food that so much of the worlds food is made up of. As a species we should be eating fruits and vegetables as the main food source, eating meat sparingly and only having sweets every once in awhile. As a country the U.S. is addicted to food. Sugar, Salt, Fat, Caffeine are drugs, that we become dependent on. Of course we all need sugar salt and fat to survive but at the rates that we are digesting them we are certainly only leading ourselves to unhealthy living death.
    I've had a very hard time cutting out sugar, white flour, and unhealthy foods. I am a college student, and I can't afford to shop at whole foods instead of Kroger. Some weeks I try harder then others to put only good things into my body, but the reason it has been so hard for me to make the change I need to make for my bodies health is because I am addicted to these foods. I crave sugar, I crave carbs! Bread is one of my favorite things to eat, but unfortunately cheap bread is almost always white, restaurants have mainly only white flour options and when I don't have time and I need something fast to get me through the day I am stuck with fast food restaurants that don't have anything that is good for my body. This documentary really sparked a desire for real change inside of me, I say I've been trying to eat better but I haven't made the switch entirely, this documentary instead says not to go on a diet, but to add the healthy things in slowly until eventually all I want is the healthy things because I will start to feel better. Why didn't I think of this before? They also talk about how important a juicer is, because honestly I don't eat that many veggies just by themselves and salads aren't my favorite thing. But making a drink that is fruits and veggies that will taste good and get me through the day is something I never thought about trying. But starting after my next shopping trip to the grocery store and loading up on fruits and veggies I will start giving this new adding theory a try! And hopefully I will notice the changes in the way my body feels.
     If I can change what I put into my body as 95% healthy and good and 5% sweets I think I will be able to kick my IBD goodbye. Since I am young my body will be able to recover fully and if I can be in remission for a year and keep eating healthy for the rest of my life then I will most likely never have these problems again.
    Our bodies are sacred and what we eat says a lot about the way we feel about ourselves and our emotional state. What we do with our bodies also matters, and what we put on our bodies is also important. Healthy eating is a Happy Life.

with love, Arianna


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