
I grew up in a constant journey for happiness, Always searching for somebody or something to find comfort in throughout the years in which I felt so lonely. 

Its so sad that no one and no thing, ever beat the feeling I felt from the pipe, the bottle, the pills and later on the can. 
All I ever wanted from that hit was a feeling of happiness, but with every hit, I ran farther and farther from the true happiness I once felt long ago, and closer and closer to the misery of the addiction I came to know so well in the early teen years of my life. 
I beleive us unfortunates, addicted at a young age, are like the moon as it chases the sun in the night sky. We run, chasing happiness not knowing the sad truth, that even though we might catch glimpses of it ever so often, we won’t truly ever grasp it.
We as humans of this beautiful planet, Search and search for something we already have, Happiness sits inside us, waiting for us to find it, constantly sending us to new places to look for it.
I think in our lives there are no mistakes, because you always are where you are for a reason, growing and changing, every second of every minute.

poem by Keivan Kehlhofer 

My friend Kievan posted this on Facebook earlier today and I immediately wanted to share it, for those struggeling with addiction these words of wisdom are here to help. Addiction is a choice, and even though it might not seem like a choice when it comes to drugs it is a choice when it comes down to what you do about it. You can say "oh i'm addicted and I can't do anything to change" or you can say "I have an addiction but I can change, I will change and my addiction doesn't define who I am." Everyone is addicted to something, drugs, the internet, boys, girls, sex, alcohol, eating, running, working out. Some people let their addiction consume them, and they become lost, but there is hope and there is help. Never give up! Everyone can overcome an addiction, and my all time favorite saying is "mistakes in the past don't define us, they refine us." You are not your mistake, but your mistake is apart of who you are and its something to learn from.
with love, 



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