
Boy have things changed in my life this summer! I haven't posted in awhile which is a shame because some days I have had really good ideas of a subject to post about but then I find myself busy with something else or just to tired at the end of the day to put in the effort. So for the next few posts I will be making up for the lost opportunities and thoughts that I had earlier in the month. I think this is my first post for August... and it is August 23rd... woops.
   my first day of college!

So I am now in college, but I am not just in college. I have my own house, I have my own car, I have my own bike, I pay my own bills and I now live all by myself. It is a big change and unlike most college freshman I took the less followed and slightly more "scary" route to travel. But I knew I didn't want to live in the dorms, and unfortunately I didn't end up with any roommates, but I am still hoping I will get a roommate during my freshman year because I want company and someone other then myself to talk to when I am at home. It was a big adjustment from living with my parents to living with no one but myself, and I'm proud to say that I didn't even cry about it! I've had sad feelings of course, but it isn't a sad thing to me, I am happy and proud of myself! I have accomplished more then I ever thought I would just a short 2 years ago and I know I am going great places and that God has a plan for me in this life.
Getting into the number one public art school in the U.S. was something I never foresaw happening. I've always liked art quite a bit, and I like to draw and doodle and create things but it wasn't until I met my teacher Adam R. Shilling that I absolutely fell in love with art and started exploring myself and my passions, each piece that I created in his class was a piece that made me happy and smile and say to myself "did I really make that?". Of course I am not the most impressive art student, and I know there will always be people who have been doing this since they were 3 years old and are THE BEST at everything artsy, but to me I don't care if I make the prettiest and most extravagant art in my classes. All I want to do is try my best and put as much effort as I can into everything that I do, I want to create art with love and passion, not with ego and pride. I don't see myself as a famous artist, and I don't really see myself as an artist anyway. I've always wanted to work with people, to help other human beings in what ever way I can that makes me feel like I am making a change for the better in someone's life. I hope that I can use my art skills and earn a degree where I can do something that I am passionate about and will help others around me.
This year is going to be a challenge. I have 16 credits and 20 hours of drawing and 20 hours of my other art studios to work on out of the class room. Not to mention that my art history class is going to be killer plus I am taking a core class to try and graduate in a good amount of time, and since I am currently planning on serving a mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints, taking as many classes as I can before I leave will be a good thing in the long run. As long as I can keep up with them.
So wish me luck!

If I could go back in time and tell the little 14/15 year old girl that was getting mixed up in the wrong things and the wrong people that I had a big future and that I was going to be going to one of the top art schools in the nation, my 15 year old self would think I was crazy and out of my mind and that I could never do anything like that because I wasn't good enough. Back then I wasn't confident, I didn't know myself and I had horrible self esteem issues. But after discovering what really matters in life, and figuring out who I am and loving myself, I know that I am worth everything and I can accomplish great things. And even when I mess up or fail a test or assignment I know that there is always a brighter future out there as long as I am striving to find it and chase after good things in life. I hope this year is a success, and I hope I can make long lasting life long friends. All is unknown right now. Into the mist we go.

with love, Arianna


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