We will never ever get back together

There is no chance
No way at all
That you can get me back
We had a past
But that's just it, its the Past
I still care, I care too much
But I've let you go
there's no coming back.
You put me through hell and back
I have forgiven you,
But I have not forgotten what you did to me
You hurt me,
I have yet to finish healing.
You broke me, you tore me down.
So why do I still care about you?
Why do I still think about you?
Why do you still haunt my dreams?

Then all of a sudden you show up in my life again.
For a just a moment,
But you are there in front of me
and you tell me all the mistakes you are making
all the shit you've gotten yourself into
But why would you tell me?
Do you want me to save you?
Like I tried, and tried before?
Because your not a friend of mine,
Your not part of me anymore.

So don't try and weasel your way back in
Because it is never happening again.
We can never be friends
We can never be together
What we had is gone
Who I loved is gone
You have changed into someone I never want to know
You've done things that I don't want to think about.
And then you show up
and tell me your sorry
You tell me you want to change
But listen here buddy.
I don't believe you
and I never will.


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