Find Me

The dark is closing in,
I can feel that familiar tightness in my chest.
Its like I'm stuck in the ocean
and its pitch black in the night
With dark grey clouds covering up the moon
casting shadows across my body.
The fear is creeping in.
Its starting to flame inside,
about to rip me apart.
Everyone who used to hold me
seems to have forgotten me.
Everyone I counted on to hold my hand,
they won't even think to call
or to chat.
Their just gone.
Gone in the night.
My mind starts wandering,
going back in time.
Recalling all our old memories
All the times we made each other laugh and smile.
But where have all those times gone?
You once told me we wouldn't lose each other.
We wouldn't lose each other, Ever.
But now your out there, living free and having fun
while I am alone, with no one who wants me
No one who loves me,
At least not the way I need to be loved.
I miss you,
I need you,
I've tried, but you wont respond.
The effort I put in to us is wasted
Because you've found someone better
Someone you want to love.
It's okay I guess,
I know it will get better in time.
I guess I was just blind
thinking forever was a possibility. 
But really all I need is a friend.
Someone who cares
who really cares, someone who wants me to be happy,
someone who wants to be with me and make me smile.
And though I feel lost in the ocean
and that everything is gloomy 
I know there is light beyond the darkness.
There is someone out there
who will find me
and save me
and love me
for me


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