your eyes

Tonight I looked into your eyes
And I saw the beauty in your soul
When you smiled, I smiled too
And that smile, lights up your whole face
And it feels like a warm embrace
That floods my body with a special feeling
And it tingles within the fibers of my soul
You look at me
And you see this beauty
And you tell me all the time
Sometimes I wonder if you're being serious or not
But I know that you are telling me the truth
By the way your face lights up 
And the thing is, I feel the same way about you
The people around us want us to be
And its silly because were in this place
But even though it may seem pointless
I want you to be with me, and I want to be with you
Don't laugh at me, and think I'm weird
Cause I like you, and I'm falling
But I'm afraid to.
I can see you
For whom you really are on the inside
You are lovely, and beautiful because you are who you are
And who you are is someone amazing
And I want to tell you so badly 
Yet I am so afraid to tell you my feelings
Because I don't want to get hurt, not this time


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