Ahhhhhhhh, sitting in my own house, listening to my music, playing with my dogs in person. I havent done this stuff in soooo long, life has been so crazy, so many crazy stories, but oh gosh it feels amazing to be home, it feels perfect, and i am loving every single second of it. Its my second day back but yesterday was so busy and so much fun! I hadnt slept in 48 hours until last night and oohh how amazing it was to sleep in my own bed... :)
Seeing friends and people i know is sooo crazy and so surreal, it feels different but at the same time its like i never ever left because things went back to normal so quickly! I've been fixing my facebook, and emails, and all the things that i havent been on in the last year! Facebook is sooo different, and i dont really like all the crazy changes theyve made but some of them are really cool. Oh how i have missed just being on facebook and looking at peoples faces that i havent seen in so long!

More will come!


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