We took it to fast
to far to say the least
i was in over my head
and didnt know what i wanted
everything thing that happened
the good the bad and the ugly
was all too much for me
at the time i couldnt tell
how bad things were going
but i could tell that i wasnt happy
but the thing is i said i was
but i was lying
trying to cover up the sadness
that was consuming me
all i wanted was for you to be happy
to not feel the way you did
i made my mistakes
and i know that
i know that i hurt you
and i am sorry for that
but i was hurt too
and you know that too
its hard to understand
and i know because it took me 8 months
to realize everything that was going on
i wish you could see my way
and i wish i could see yours
but what happened happened
and its over now
that was a good time running
but we were running to fast
and to far
we were running towards the cliffs
to the edge
and to the end
it couldnt have lasted
we were both so lost
i just wish it never happened
so that we both didnt get hurt
i always wish for the best



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