10/15/12(wilderness journal - Prayer)

Wilderness was a really tough spot for me, and this is something i wrote while i was in wilderness about prayer.

I learned that praying really helped me get through though sh*t, I talked to God as if he was right next to me, i told him all my stuggles and frustrations, i cried to him and with him, i asked him directly for help, for hope, for forgiveness, for acceptance, for love and for strength. God was my only friend at the time, he was the only one i felt safe with talking to. I wish we could truly, undeniably know that he exsists and that he loves every single person on earth no matter what. I wish everyone felt his love, and i wish people didnt blame him. Life is life and God doesnt control it, he just puts everything here to see how we handle it. Life is all a matter of choices that we all make on a daily basis, its a test with no real "right" or "wrong" answers.

with love, Arianna 


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