Words of a Picture

a Tree,
tall, alone, and free
started its life as a tiny seed,
smaller then a peanut.
Something nearly worthless,
so small and insignificant,
But that's just the way it's seen.

a Tree, 
grown from a little seed
now stands tall, mighty and strong,
it overlooks the world below,
It does not judge,
it just observes
and all it gives is its love.

a Tree,
simple, yet full of grace,
daring that it would grow in such a place
upon a mountain top,
near the edge,
It's roots digging deep to the rocky soil.

This tree,
reminds me of me,
standing outside the norm,
growing free,
with strong roots in rocky soil
Took a long time to grow so strong,
this tree,
yes this tree,
Is like me.

With love, 


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