It's been a really long time since i've blogged. I dont really know why i havent when i've had alot of free time and i could have.
Well Life has been really up and down lately for me, Life is hard and it sucks most of the time but i guess one thing i've learned from all the bad crap that's happened recently is that i just got to move on and see that no matter what happens it will all be okay and even when it doesnt seem like anything will change in the moment it will and it will get better. There is so much good and so much love in the world and so much beauty that i dont understand how i can get so sad and down in the dumps.
Micah finally got his 67 mustang! Pictures will be up soon! and i will take pictures through all that were changing on it because we are restoring it and it will be really cool to see the before pictures of it then the after! So If anyone actually reads my blog then all y'all should keep reading it and waiting to see more pictures!
Also I am going to start vlogging a lot more! And maybe set aside a day to blogging and vlogging! Any idea what day? Comment and lets see what day i should choose. I was thinking either friday or saturdays would work out the best or maybe some day in the middle of the week would be great too because it's summer and i dont have school anymore!

Well I dont have much else to talk about! Check out my tumblr!
Its really bad, but it will get better i hope through out the days i work on it, but if anyone likes the idea of tumblr then you should get one! Because there kinda awesome!

with love, Arianna


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