
Showing posts from July, 2011

me and madeleine

I love you! 

Simple Things

Recently alot of things have been happening that arent so great, but instead of just getting more and more sad i've started to look at things from a more positive point of view, being happy is a choice, we can either choose to look at things like its the end of the world or just something we have to overcome to get to something better in life. I haven't ever really prayed with intent before but let me tell you a story that really made me know that God is true and real and that he loves all his children. So I have a friend of mine who is actually my best friend and always will be, but they have been going through some really bad stuff lately, their depressed and lost in the world that has been so cold to them. I wish i could just make him believe that it will be okay, but it takes alot of faith to look past all the bad things especially while in the middle of tons of trials hanging over you. But over the last week i have been praying that he will be okay, and that everything w...

Rebecca Black

So i dont know if any of you know this but Rebecca Black still sings and is now "famous". And well now she has her own website and twitter and youtube channel and facebook thing. So how in the world does america like her so much? Its not that i dont like her because i mean if i could be making millions of dollars by singing that song and by getting all this stuff going for me then i think i would do it too. But how did she even go viral? I wonder what her mom thinks of all this, like i'm pretty sure when she first made her song Friday her mom didnt think anything was going to happen from it, but well obviously she was wrong.. And now Rebecca's famous. I think more people have watched her music video then watched the news, read the news paper or payed attention in school all combined. Haha but all of you guys that read little me should check out her NEW video "my moment" and her website, also shes in Last Friday night by Katy Perry. http://www.rebeccablack...
It's been a really long time since i've blogged. I dont really know why i havent when i've had alot of free time and i could have. Well Life has been really up and down lately for me, Life is hard and it sucks most of the time but i guess one thing i've learned from all the bad crap that's happened recently is that i just got to move on and see that no matter what happens it will all be okay and even when it doesnt seem like anything will change in the moment it will and it will get better. There is so much good and so much love in the world and so much beauty that i dont understand how i can get so sad and down in the dumps. Micah finally got his 67 mustang! Pictures will be up soon! and i will take pictures through all that were changing on it because we are restoring it and it will be really cool to see the before pictures of it then the after! So If anyone actually reads my blog then all y'all should keep reading it and waiting to see more pictures! Also ...