
So I've been thinking a lot lately about the most random things, but like there all really important, well to me.
So one of the things I've been thinking about is how badly girls are treated and how bad they treat themselves as well as how guys mistreat us too. WE ARE NOT OBJECTS!! A lot of girls might get mad at me saying that girls objectify themselves but its true! I'm sorry world but there are so many guys out there(most of them) that really dont care about anything and sit at home and watch porn and go and have sex with however they want, but is that really a good life? What about true love and becoming something in life? What happened to that idea?!? But girls cause a lot of the problems, if we dressed in clothes that didn't make boys just wanna have sex with us then maybe we wouldn't get date raped or raped or sexually touched by random strangers that are just like "ohhh damn shes sexy" and thats all they care about!
Bikinis piss me off.. you know why? because its just a bra and underwear, our bodies are special, Their gifts from god, not objects! When a cute girl wears a bikini around guys they really dont care about that girl, they just wanna bang her and get some.
So girls, is that really what we want to happen? Why dont people have any respect for themselves or for other people any more these days? If you agree or disagree email me at or comment, because girls that dress like sluts and whores really piss me off, because guys have been taught  these days that girls dont matter and they can do what ever they want. The world views on morals is gone, its really time to get morals back in the world because their almost all gone, I believe in Love and I'm about the only person i know at my school that doesnt do all the stupid things that apparently everyone does, like drink and smoke and sleep around, but thats so stupid, i actually care about myself. And so should everyone.

Well... I got that out...

With love, Arianna


Caleb Roenigk said…
DUDE, so true. I loved this entry.

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