
So in the news recently theres this Mormon guy named Mitt Romney, So much crap is being said about his religion, like seriously america? He's just a Christian, i thought this country was built upon freedom of religion and a Christian view point. Bigotry is like racism except with religions, So many people are like "I cant vote for him because he is Mormon" so let me just say this, WHAT! What have Mormons ever done to you? Have you ever met one? Like actually spoken to one, let one of those missionaries inside you house and talked? Because if you haven't you dont know anything about that religion, and all the crap on the internet about them IS NOT TRUE! I think Mormonism is one of the most predated upon religions in the world, but i dont know why? Maybe because  people are afraid of how good their hearts are and afraid of all their morals because everyone else doesn't have morals, But to completely just think of all Mormon people as evil and weird and say all this crap about them is not right! Look past the religion and actually see the person, Like with this guy running for president, I dont actually know if he'll be a good president or not because i haven't looked into him, But just completely rejecting him because of religion is 100% wrong, Its like the people who didnt vote for Obama because hes not white, thats racist!! and thats wrong!!  Bigotry is wrong, and since this is America everyone should really educate themselves with all the different types of religions out their before you judge, but dont use the internet because people lie and make things up.

with love, Arianna 


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