
To Micah
I love you

I never thought i would love anyone like i love you,
I'll let the world know,
cuz your mine and i want the world to know, so lets scream and shout it out
Love doesnt choose a boy or a girl,
When i met you love just filled my soul

I love you beyond belief,
Keep me close,
Hold me tight
And always love me
Your my Best Friend, My missing puzzle piece
You complete me.

You dry my tears when i'm crying,
You hold me closer when i'm dying,
It's destiny, Its meant to be
Me and You
Were in love

Kiss me everyday,
All the time, 
Hold me Tight,
Never let me go,
I'd give anything to just be wrapped up around your arms

Without you I'm nothing,
We are meant to be forever, 
Dont ever give up on me babe,
I make mistakes,
I'm human,
I'm sorry,

I want you to know that no matter what,
Through everything, and everything
I will always, always be here for you,
I will always love you,

It's a simple fact that you got to accept,
I love you more then anything and i'm here to stay 

I want to hold you 
today, tomorrow , and every day after that,
Everyday of our lives, and everyday after death,
We were meant to be, 
Never doubt our love

Love is amazing,
Never hide it, deny it or betray it.
Love can change the world,
It can change people,
It can break people,
But its better to love then to never love at all

Our love is forever Micah,
You and me
For Ever

Love is For Ever

-Arianna Brown
-Arianna Belle Kepas Barfield <3


alexandra said…
that is so sweet <3

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