life is worth living

Look around,
What is left that is good around here?
I see all these great people falling, 
their falling for the bad, the damned and the evil,
the things that will suck us down into the bitter pits of hell.
I Look around and its hard to see if theres any  good left to tell,

But amidst it all theres hope
there's amazing miracles that happen day by day,
Life is amazing no matter how you look at it,
From a cute lady bug to a giant graceful tree,
life is worth living,

Look around,
do you see all the death and destruction?
You may think things are depressing and all,
But Look again,
Look at the people trying to make a difference,
Look at the kids, who through it all, stand so tall,
Look at the mothers and the fathers, who no matter what goes one love their children,
Look at the doctors who are fighting to save lives,
Look at Foster parents, they have to put up with bruised and battered kids who act up,
But yet they still love em,

Look all around,
Theres love everywhere,
Go to any church for the most part,
People are happy and kind,
They are there to help,
Look outside, look at the sunrise,
All the pretty colors,
Look at the Night,
It can be full of Fright, But look at the stars,
there full of so many possibilities,

Life is always worth living,
It does get tough,
Its always a battle,
but in the end we will always win
Cuz we'll be able to say, I'm glad i didn't give up and i made it through that trial,
Life is a test,
a test worth taking,
Even if we get below average, We can never truly fail it
Because it was our decision to come here
so never give up,
Look on the bright side,
 The sun is always rising on one part of the world

with love Arie


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