To Micah

Today its the 23
Me and you both know what day that is
me and you.
I'm just kinda writing,
it probably wont rhyme or anything.
But heres to the best day ever,
April 23rd, 2011.

It amazes me still that you got baptized today,
I just want to tell you how happy i am for you,
You could see it in your eyes that you were completely pure again,
You had the feelings that you didn't know how to describe,
its called feeling the spirit,
Its probably the best feeling in the world.

I'm so happy that you now get the experience the immense joy that will fill your life,
Most people will doubt your choice, 
Try to make you change your mind,
Make you give up hope.
But you just got to listen to your heart.

During your baptism, everyone in the room felt the love of the lord,
Everyone was tearing up,
and i was crying happy tears. 
It was probably the first baptism i have been to in awhile were the spirit of God was so strong.
Everyone here loves you,
and i love that fact,
Everyone in my Church is amazing,
The endless amount of love they offer up is beautiful.

You made the right decision, 
I'm so grateful for you and for your choice
never give up faith. 

Love Arianna


Micah said…
I love you, and I love your church. Excuse me now its OUR church :') (happy tears) I did make the right decision and Ill never regret it!

With Love-

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