Dont give up

Oh these times are hard,
There making us crazy but please dont give up on me baby,
Were faking a smile but were closer to tears,
I know this is hard,
But we both cant just quit,

You have so much going for you,
Even if you dont see it or not, your life is full with opportunities,
Yes, it is up to you whether or not to take advantage of them or not,
But it will also be your fault when you dont. 

I love you so much,
With all my heart,
I'm so sorry for what i did
But dont give up on me baby,
I'm trying to figure out what i want,
whats best for us.

please take me back..
I hope you want me too,
We are so young, 
Think of all the things we can do.

Imagine our lives together forever,
Just me and you,
and maybe a few...
things that come by the stork,

When i told you yes, i meant it.
Now i'm doing a double take,
I want this to work out, 
I hope it will. 
But please, dont give up 

Dont give up hope, faith and love
Just because you think you lost everything,
Because you truly have everything.
 You have a wonderful family who loves you,
You have me, no matter what I'm still for you
You have a home, clothes, food and water.

You have a great life, 
Dont give up,
And throw it all away.
Think of all the people who have nothing.
The kids who dont have families,
The kids who dont have food
The kids who really dont have anything.

Your not one of those kids,
Your an amazing person,
You got one of the Best souls i've ever seen,
When you set your mind to something,
I know you can achieve great things,
I know you dont think you can,
But both you and me know your smart,
Your everything anyone could ask for,

I know you dont want hope,
I know,
You've told me,
But dont give up,
You have so much,
Dont throw it away like your in some game.
This is Life,
this is your life,
and your life just like the lives of every person
is important!

Every human being alive dead or going to become alive,
is important,
and you are Just as important as any one
But to me your one of the most important people in my life,
Please if you ever read this, 
Just dont give up,

I love you, 
More then I've loved anything or anyone,
You've shown me true happiness, 
You've shown me how to be myself,
You've shown me so many things,

Thank you, 
For being such a great friend forever 
But baby, 
dont give up,
I know your sad, But dont let that stop you from becoming something great.
I love you forever and always
no matter what.

with love, Arianna 


Caleb Roenigk said…
sooooooo deep and really good arie. I hope it works. Your compeletly right.

"Life is a game where everyone is just a piece upon the great board of Life, all we can do is move foward in the hopes that you can get to the finish, but whats the point if your not with someone you love?"
Unknown said…
Thanks caleb, oh and i like that little side poem, quote thing, its true as well
Caleb Roenigk said…
yeah ive got more where that comes from.... you dont know how true this is when i say this but: I feel your pain, which i know seems impossiable but its not, not trying to derate your pain only saying i know what your going thru.

"Sometimes the only people in the world that seem distant are the ones you are closest to, they just pretend not to be to keep you safe."

(that one was not as good I'll find a good one for you girl)

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