
A lot has been racing through my mind,
my thoughts are invading my world.
I've lost control of what is happening, 
I'm trapped in this house,
I'm becoming my own person,
yet I'm being beat down,
I'm not yet allowed to become a whole person
because i'm too young.
But what is age?
Yeah my brain hasn't reached its full capacity of knowledge 
or intelligence, but neither has anyones
And yeah, I'm less then 21
which means i'm still "stupid"
but never doubt the youth of the world
because if we really wanted we could probably take over everything.
Were just as smart, if not smarter
 but a lot of young people are stupid, so stupid.
But never judge a human being because of the actions of another,
another that isn't even friends with them but happens to be the same age,
Dont judge age.
Once we reach the age of 12 we begin to create ourselves, and past that we become our own people
dont hold me back from becoming myself
If you dont like who i am then watch me leave.
Dont hold me against my will,
because my will is strong,
I will not give up
Dont push me back with rules that make no sense
sometimes you try to hard, relax.
Let me be myself. 
Leave me be,
because if you dont, 
I'm leaving, and if i'm leaving
I'm leaving for good 
and your going to miss me because i wont be around.
What you've done to me,
its sent me over the edge..
If you keep on pushing me I'm going to fall,
And when that happens no one will like the result,
So leave me be.
I'm more grown up then you have even imagined 
I can take care of myself whether you like it or not.
So let go.
I'm done 


Caleb Roenigk said…
wow......................................................................................................................................................................good. and true. really deep.
Caleb Roenigk said…
Oh I have a Question for you!
Unknown said…
whats your question?

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