Beauty all around us

in the world we live in, its hard to see what truly matters.
We've been absorbed into this mindset that we all have to look like the people we see on TV, in magazines 
But true beauty isn't what we are suppose to look like or what we look like, 
there is beauty all around us, 
Look outside,
look in nature,
everything is beautiful,
A new born baby child,
A flower
Why worry about our clothes size?
or your nose?
or your legs?
or anything, Its just your body,
And everyone's body is beautiful, no matter what you look like
There is no one body type or face structure that all of us need to have to be pretty,
there is no cookie cutter shaped person,
In every different country and every different culture all around the world there is this model person that we all base ourselves after to look like.
Why do we do that?
Why does it matter?
We are all different, so Why do we try to look the same.
Looks dont Matter
What matters is your inner beauty not your outer beauty

So lets all forget about looks on the outside,
and actually focus on the bigger picture

with love, Arianna


Micah said…
Outer beauty doesnt matter, but your still stunning and beautiful on the outside but that is such a small thing to people who look n see who you really are. Your inner beauty trumps your outer beauty more than i can even type. I love you so much

Unknown said…
i love you too kiddo

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