Moments in Life

Every second of every hour of every day counts, What you are doing may not seem important at the time, But time always goes forwards and we can Never go back into the past to "fix" something from happening.

Every word we speak to someone affects them, in good, bad, or indifference. Watch what you say to people, Everyone has emotions and whats the point of being mean? I always mess up and say something dumb and mean to people, even to the people i love the most, I have lost Best Friends because i was not thinking of what my words were doing and causing. Words of cruelty or unkindness can hurt a person more so then punching them in the face. Mean thoughts lead to either accidental or purposeful sayings of unkindness to others. Words have to be thought of before spoken, So if your thinking something bad about a person just think to yourself "does it really matter". There are so many things that i have caused by NOT thinking of what i was saying and why i was saying it, The things that I've said are in the past and cannot be taken back, I always get that gross feeling right after i have said something mean to someone where its like i got punched in the stomach and i feel really bad about what i had just said. Saying sorry only works sometimes, because people tend to have really good memories and it takes awhile for things to be forgotten or forgiven. So watch what you say as one day either in the future or in the past you will say something you will regret and you will ruin a friendship, a family relationship, a relationship or maybe something else. But look back at these Moments and learn from them to not make the same mistakes again. :D

The Moments in our past are for use to look back on in the future. But our  mistakes are in the past, dont carry the burden for you the rest of your life, all you need to do is repent :)
The mistakes of the Past don't define you, They Refine you.

p.s. I'm sorry to everyone that I've said something mean to or been mean to in any way!

With love, Arianna


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