Alexander Christopher Kepas Brown

My little brother is very important to me, I make fun of him all the time and punch him but no one else is allowed to. When i was about 4 i was playing with my one year old brother at a park or something when some kid came up and started talking smack bout him and being a mean lil kid, being my four year old self went up to the kid and said "this is my brother, and you need to leave him alone!" 
At school This week my brother got in a fight, This crazy kid just started like punching him or doing something     physically assaulting, My brother proceeded to just put him into a head lock, the kid backed off because he had never been stood up to, he always got away with his bullying. Until now punk! My bro immediately went and told an adult. But listen to this! My brother self defended himself right? Well My brother is getting suspended for breaking the no touching policy!!! WTF? So if some kids beating you up at his school you are not allowed to defend yourself? Bahahaha when i got sexually assaulted I defiantly did not just stand there! And that rule needs to be changed because victims should not be punished for self defense!
The school system in Chapel Hill is some B.S. 
Punishing a victim? whats that going to do? Giving a bully suspension from school? whats that going to do? put them behind? Instead of suspension he just needs to be taught how to act not sent away from school. 
So if anyone reads this blog and you know some People in charge of the School Board tell them this story because they should change a lot of things about our school district.

With love, Arianna 


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