Called To Serve

Okay, I have done one blog post for all of march! And its the last day of march!! This I guess will be the second blog post I do for this month, and then I'll catch up on everything in April. Life has been so crazy! So I've been too busy to write anything for my blog lately. Not too many people actually read this blog, its more just a personal thing I do to write out my thoughts, share videos, write poetry and rant about life and things that I wouldn't share on facebook or anything like that. In a way this blog is like an online journal, and honestly having a blog is very therapeutic and is a great way to get your thoughts out there, no matter if people read it or not. So now that little rant is over! Lets talk about something really amazing and big that just happened in my life!! In my last blog post I said that I was turning in my mission papers! And I did! I sent them in like 3 weeks ago and guess what!!!! I got my mission call on Friday the 28th of March!!! Which is...