October 4th 2011- Wilderness

Ever heard of wilderness therapy? I never did until October 4th 2011. When my life changed completely forever for the better even though i didnt think it at first.

5:15 a.m. Tuesday October 4th- two strangers in my room... "wake up"..."your going to a place in Utah"..."you dont need anything" i just remember thinking WHAT IS GOING ON but i didnt fight i didnt argue, i just went and cried. The two people took me away from my house, into a white ford F150, and drove me to the airport, i took nothing with me other then a pen and my journal. I cried the way to the airport, i was so confused. I got to Salt Lake, two super sweet ladies in camping attire came and met me at the airport and took me away in a very dirty truck. 
Next thing i know i am in wilderness! http://outback.crchealth.com/

The middle of no where in Lehi Utah is where i spent 3 months of my life, from October to December camping and hiking and doing therapy. So yea its been along time since my last blog post, so all this will make sense as to why i dropped off the planet one day. 

Outback changed my life soo dramatically. I came into wilderness not knowing why i was there, i hated my parents, i was in denial about the really unhealthy relationship i was in and i was a total b-word to my parents. I was depressed and stressed beyond anything and i needed help but didnt know what to do, so my parents stepped in and saved my life by sending me to Outback.

I'll be posting some of my journal entries from wilderness when i am home and have my wilderness journals, but for now i am just sharing everything i still remember about my expierence and sharing pictures. There will be alot more posts to come after this one! So if you see this one and you notice that its the 1st one in like 10 months then just wait to see all the rest of them that are soon to come!

So... 3 months of therapy and camping and hiking everyday. i was dirty, i was smelly, my hair dreaded, i gained a ton of muscle, i became super strong, not only physically but emotionally as well. I became assertive and a leader, but it took me a long time to get there, i had alot to deal with and think about and get over and to change and it took me 3 months of being in the wild to change. But i have changed and i am awesome! i am the best me i have ever been and wilderness made my life so much more amazing and helped me to see how beautiful God is, and how beautiful life is. 

i met so many girls that did some crazy things, most girls there were drug addicts. Not just like smoking dope, but doing intense drugs that i didnt even know people my age did. I learned to love these girls like they were my best friends, we went through so much together. i dont remember all of there names but heres a shout out to the people that i do remember. Dani Sailors, Catlynn Tosi, Maia Hightower Johnson, Sophia Rose(Yurama or something) Siobian Zedrazni, Evi, and all the rest of y'all that i cant remember. But i love you guys and hope they best for all of you. 

So time for some pictures... woohooo. 

  me and all my girls- the Lorikeets! 

 my dig stick
 this is what i slept in everday
like my 40 lb pack? i made it all myself
 i carved that spoon by hand

i love my familia! 

Heres to all who went to Outback with me, i wish you all the best, and i hope i'll come in contact with you someday in the future. Wilderness was amazing for me and i'll always remember it. Shout out to Tim Lowe who was my therapist in Wilderness and helped me through alot of hard things and sat there while i cried for hours on end about random things.

Check out Dani Sailors on the Dr. Phil show, she went to wilderness with me and her story is really intense, so look her up. 

Thank you to my parents for there love and concern and for never giving up on me even when i made it really hard for them. 

with love, Arie



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