Creatures of the earth

This summer me and my family went on vacation to Disney World and while in Disney World we went on a safari and below are my pictures. :)

Animals are really important to protect and alot of the Animals we saw on the Safari are endangered. We are the only ones that are able to take charge and make a difference in the world we live in. Animals are an important part of our enviroment. It would be a shame to lose all of these beautiful creatures from the world, so get out there and make a difference.

There are at least 1498 endangered species of animals on our planet and it is mainly our fault that the number is so large. Everything from pollution to habitat loss from construction is killing many of these animals. Its our duty to be stewards to the earth, and take care of everything living like animals and plants.

If you would like to help our planet or like to learn more there are very many places that can help you, here is one that i like but there are many more. Its up to us to fix this so please help :)


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